Short carving notes

I haven’t given up on the carving. I’ve spent the last few weekends cutting up wood and making cutouts for those little birds. I enjoyed making those so much that I decided to send them to family and friends for Christmas. Last week I sent out a dozen, and I have more in the works.

I also liked seeing the different woods. So I announced The Hundred Birds Project. The idea is to carve at least one bird from each of 100 different types of wood. That’s two birds a week for the next year. As of today, Debra has birds from eight different types of wood, and I have cutouts for another six or eight. Then I’ll have to start looking for new woods to carve.

I’ve updated my carving video indexes. See the tabs at the top of the page.

Birds aren’t all I’m doing. I’ve carved a few little dogs recently, and I have several other  projects in various stages of planning or execution: a mesquite version of Pounce the cat, an armadillo made from mesquite, and a stylized tree made from a big slab of oak are some of the projects I’m working on.

I’m really enjoying the power carver, but haven’t given up on the knives. In fact, last night I carved one of the bird ornaments with a knife. It didn’t take as long as I thought it would. I’ll probably carve a few more that way in the next year. It’s a relaxing project, as long as the wood I select for knife carving isn’t too hard.

Three years into this carving hobby and I’m having loads of fun. Lots of good stuff planned for next year.