
It became painfully (literally) obvious earlier this year that I should wear a hat whenever I go out in the sun. This was not an unexpected result; I’ve known for years that I should be careful. After all, my hair isn’t as abundant as it used to be and I did inherit my mother’s fair complexion. I probably should wear SPF 50 if I go outside during the full moon.


Since the aforementioned painful incident I have endeavored to wear a hat whenever I go out in the sun. Except what I’ve really done is start wearing a hat whenever I step outside. Why? Because I’m a creature of habit. It’s hard to create habits with exceptions. It’s a whole lot easier to make it a habit to put on a hat whenever I go outside. There’s no decision involved. I just put “hat” on my mental checklist for leaving the house.

I’ll admit that it’s pretty weird to walk out the door in the dark, headed to the shop, and then come back in saying, “Forgot my hat.” It’s dark. The sun can’t burn me and there’s no full moon, so I really don’t need the hat. But I go get it, put it on my head, and make my way to the shop.

It’s a harmless eccentricity, and it helps me remember to wear a hat.