Every time I have to come up with a password for a Web site, I end up spending 10 minutes trying to find one that I can remember and that will conform to the rules for that site. You’d think there’d be some kind of standard. But, no … every site has its own bunch of rules.
One site requires the password to be “at least eight characters long.” Others specify a minimum length and require at least one number, one capital letter, and one special character. Others specify an absurdly short maximum length. They’ll limit the characters you can use, make you use at least two numbers, prevent you from using any word that’s in an English dictionary, or for all I know require that you type it with your toes while standing on your head. It’s maddening.
I could understand this idiocy 10 years ago. Today it’s simply unacceptable. The key to a good password is that it be long, unusual, and easy to remember. But the most important point is length. Next most important is easy to remember. And I guarantee that a password like “stupid.password.rules.suck” is easier to remember and harder to break with a brute force attack than something like “Stup1d.pw0rd”.
To make matters worse, sites often don’t tell you what the password rules are. It’ll say, “enter password.” So you enter something like “my.mom’s.maiden.name” and it will say, “Passwords must contain at least one number and one capital letter.” So then you enter “3rd.rock&Roll.act” and it will say, “Passwords may only contain the characters [list of characters that doesn’t include ‘&’]”. So then you type, “Please.save.M3.From.Stupid.Password.Rules” and it will say, “Passwords must be between 8 and 14 characters in length.”
Why can’t they tell me all of the rules up front? Do they think I’m here to play 20 passwords? This evening my hosting provider told me that my password had expired and that I need to create a new one. Fine. I’m now on my fifth attempt at creating a password that I can remember, that others won’t likely guess, and that fits the rules that they’re revealing to me one at a time.
People who create Web sites: please update your password rules. Force me to create a password that’s at least 15 characters long, and let me put whatever characters I want in it! If you really have to put a limit on the length, make it something reasonable like at least 32 characters. Limiting me to 12 (a banking site, no less) or 14 characters and making me choose from three or four different classes of characters to boot just pisses me off and makes me think that I should find some other place to take my business.