A couple of yard pictures

I spent most of the weekend doing yard work. Specifically, burning the remains of the fig and the wisteria that didn’t fare well over two or three years of drought. I also took down the garden fence, seeing as how we hadn’t actually cultivated a garden for a few years.

Missing picture of a gate to nowhere

Removing the fence posts was no problem. But I set the gate posts in concrete. Removing those is going to be some work. Unless I decide to leave the gate as an artifact.

I also mowed the back yard. I ran out of time to do the front, and I won’t get to it until Sunday. That’s going to be a big job. The recent rains and abundant sunshine have made for ideal grass and weed growing conditions.

It’s surprising how much the grass grows in just a week. If I let it go two weeks, it will be high enough to scratch Charlie’s belly.

Charlie, by the way, is doing well. He was feeling his oats this afternoon, doing laps around the pool. Still a heck of a good lookin’ dog, ain’t he? The bald spots are from surgery to remove some mast cell tumors.