It’s been a long trip—about two weeks longer than we expected it to be. But that’s the way these things go sometimes. Debra’s dad was in the hospital, in a rehab facility, in ICU after a procedure called kyphoplasty, and finally in a hospice facility where he’ll likely stay.
To say that it’s been a difficult time would be an understatement. One of the most difficult parts has been dealing with bureaucracy. So much so that I have said, more times than I care to remember, “The wheels of bureaucracy grind you under very slowly.”
I often release tension by blogging, but I don’t feel quite comfortable detailing what all we’ve been through in the last three weeks. Perhaps some time from now, when emotions aren’t quite so high and I can reflect on things a bit more clearly.
One thing I’d like to mention, though, is that the ICU nurses do a very difficult and demanding job, sometimes while having to deal with uncooperative or even abusive patients and family members. And yet they go about their tasks competently and seem to always have a smile. I was so impressed with their work that I carved them a little bear in recognition of their efforts.
I don’t suppose the nurses are terribly impressed with my carving skill, but they seemed to appreciate the acknowledgment.
It’s 9:30 PM on Friday in Phoenix. Debra and I will be on the road by 6:00 AM. From where we are in the West Valley, it’s about 1,100 miles to home. Figure 17 or 18 hours. Tomorrow is going to be a long day.