Random laughs

  • Somebody got my site with the search term “what does foxtrot uniform charlie kilo mean?”  I wonder if this person found the ITU Phonetics and made the connection.
  • One of the A-list blogs I ran across on TTLB is Go Fug Yourself.  Don’t be put off by the name.  It’s really not a porn site.  Here we have two women playing fashion critic for the stars.  They have some very funny things to say about some of the hideous clothing worn by people who should know better. The women are mean, but their victims deserve it. Oh, and they also give credit where credit is due. Salma Hayek is just … wow.
  • Jeff Duntemann posted the recipe for Jeff & Carol’s Vague Buffalo Spaghetti Sauce, in which he manages to poke fun at recipes, pretentious wine snobs, bad science fiction, and a whole host of other things while explaining how to make what sounds like a delicious spaghetti sauce.  I’ll have to give this one a try.
  • Yet another funny from Jeff:  the most frequently stolen traffic sign in Austria.
  • NK News is a searchable database of North Korean propaganda.  This site supposedly has nearly every article posted on the Korean Central News Agency’s Web site, in English and Spanish, going all the way back to 1966.  I don’t know if it’s real, but it was worth a few chuckles and a howler or two.