Remodel phase 2

Today begins phase two of the house remodel.  Phase one was the garage conversion that took a little over four years because we started it with no money, no clear plan, and no schedule.  Phase two won’t take near as long, nor will it be as expensive.  The idea is to bring the house up to modern standards.  The house was built in 1978 and, as you can see by the pictures (click on the image for a larger view), it shows.  Our remodel plans are simple:  replace the floor coverings, probably with wood, fix any cracks in the drywall, replace the cheap hollow core doors, remove the acoustic popcorn from the ceilings, and replace the door trim and baseboards with something a little less plain.  That will take care of the two spare bedrooms and the hallway.

The bathroom is another story.  We’re going to completely gut it, with the possibility of the bath tub, put tile on the floor and outfit it with more modern fixtures.

I started the demolition work this afternoon by removing the carpet and scraping the ceiling in one of the bedrooms.  Those are simple projects that I can get done in a weekend.  We have a contractor coming in next week to give us some more solid numbers on installing floors, doors, and the rest.

Phase three of the remodel is the master bedroom and bathroom, which will get much the same treatment as the rest of the rooms.  Following that we’ll probably spruce up the outside before gutting the kitchen–a very expensive proposition.