Rosedale Ride

Debra and I participated in the Rosedale Ride on Saturday. This is the sixth year in a row that I’ve made the ride, and the fourth time that I’ve done the 100 kilometer (62 mile) route. This year the weather was almost perfect: clear skies, mild temperatures, and a light wind. It’s a well supported ride with many helpful volunteers, all of whom cheered us on and thanked us for coming out to support the Rosedale School.

Sunday we did a moderately-paced training ride of about 13 miles. Training is over. If we’re not ready by now, another week of training won’t do any good. So we’re taking it easy, doing easy training rides to keep the legs limber, eating lots of carbs, drinking lots of water, and getting plenty of sleep. In short, we’re building up our energy stores. The Big Ride starts next Tuesday morning. We’re hoping for low temperatures and tail winds.