I’ll likely be incommunicado for the next week. Tomorrow morning I roll out at 6:00 am for my three day bicycle excursion to Harlingen, Texas. Everything’s packed, checked, re-checked and ready to go. Weather forecast is great, with light winds (less than 15 MPH) on the route all three days, and only one area where they’re forecasting scattered thunderstorms. I’m packing everything I need for the ride in a backpack, even though Debra will be meeting me at the hotel on both nights. She won’t be following along, so I still need the emergency supplies, and carrying two changes of bike clothes and a few other odds and ends doesn’t add much weight. It certainly doesn’t add significantly to the 7 lbs of water I’ll be carrying.
The first night’s stop is in the hopping town of Kenedy, TX, approximately 130 miles from the house. The second day is a comparatively easy ride of 105 miles to Kingsville, followed by a short 98 miles to Harlingen on Thursday. If all goes as planned, three cadets from the Marine Military Academy will join us for Thursday’s ride.
I’m taking my digital camera in the hope of getting a few pictures along the way. Debra’s bringing the laptop so if I have an Internet connection and some time (i.e. I’m not totally dead to the world), I’ll be able to post updates as I go along. If nothing else, you’ll see it all here when I get back and post my notes for the next three days.