The new office

Finally!  I’m writing this from my new office in what used to be the garage.  The picture to the left is looking at my desk from Debra’s desk.  She has the same desk setup.  Here’s what it looked like with just the furniture.  The desks are 87 inches on each long side, and 29 inches wide.  That gives me about 4 feet for printer, scanner, phone, and other assorted hardware, 3 feet of space for my monitor, and about 4 feet of empty space for doing desk work.  Or for a piling system.  Hopefully not.  The idea of the hutch above the desk is to hold all the stuff that I used to pile on the desk and floor back when all I had was a 6 foot banquet table.  We’ll see how it works.

The room itself is 13 feet wide and 20 feet long.  What wall space isn’t taken up by desk, windows, and door is going to host book cases:  20 or 25 linear feet of 7 foot book cases, which will hold almost all of our books.  For now.

What a relief to have this addition project finished.  The kitchen is next.  I don’t think Debra will allow that one to drag out even four weeks.  Time to make a schedule and stick to it.