A built-in HTML editor

I’ve long lamented the lack of a WYSIWYG HTML editor that I could include as a component in a program, and decided today to do something about it.  I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t have to look far.  The darned thing’s been right under my nose for years.  The Microsoft Web Browser ActiveX control, installed with Internet Explorer versions 4.0 and later, has editing capabilities.  With just a few lines of C# code, I was able to create a program that will load an HTML file and allow me to edit and save the result.  Granted, making a good editor will take a bit more time, but all the important stuff is there.

I’ll eventually write up an article about it.  If you’re interested in exploring before I get around to posting my article, a good place to start is this sample chapter from the book Component-Based Development with C#.