It’s a Collins 75A-4 Amateur Receiver, probably the best such radio to come out of the 1950s. This particular radio belonged to my grandfather, who purchased it new sometime between 1955 and 1960. I ended up with it when he passed away in 1990. My friend Jeff Duntemann (K7JPD) took it off my hands and actually used it for 10 years. Jeff shipped it back to me recently (it arrived today), and now it sits on my desk waiting for me to hook it up to something.
Although I have my license (KB7UQD), I’ve never been what you’d call active in Ham radio. I have a 2 meter mobile rig that’s been stored away in the garage since I sold the car I used to have it installed in. I also have my grandfather’s old Hallicrafters HT-37 transmitter sitting in a box in the attic. I don’t know if that one works, and I wouldn’t know how to fix it if it’s broken. I guess I’ll have to find an old timer around here who likes fiddling with old tube equipment.
That’s what I need. Another hobby to keep me busy.