Back on the bike! Spring has arrived in central Texas and I’m back on the bike, trying to whip myself into shape for the upcoming Rosedale Ride on March 22. December, January, and February are not real good months for riding around here so my training has been somewhat lax. Yes, I know that I could set my bike up on the magnetic trainer. Pedaling in one place is not particularly exciting.
This will be my fourth year doing the Rosedale Ride. When I rode the 100K in 2000, it was the farthest I’d ridden a bicycle. I rode the 40 mile route in 2001, and last year I rode the 28 mile route with my friend Ron Hollis, who was on his hand cycle. Rosedale is a well attended ride (about 1,500 riders, I’d guess), and well supported. This year they have rides of 8, 15, 25, 45, and 62 miles. I think I’ll step back up to the 62 mile route this year. It seems like a good way to get my training into full gear.
Training for what? For some strange reason, I have the desire to do a 200 mile ride sometime this year. I haven’t quite figured out how I’m going to train for that, as I suspect it will require somewhat more commitment than last year’s 8-week century training. I’m sure I’ll think of something.