Anonymous email change of address

Speaking of advertising goods and services via email, I got a message from somebody I’ve never heard of that says:

This Auto Generated message is being sent to the contacts in my address book.

It is to notify you that I have installed a SPAM | BAR Anti Spam & Virus filter, on my incoming mail.

As long as you write to me using this particular address, your messages will come straight through to my mail inbox.

If, however, at any time you should write to me using a different email address to this one, the SPAM | BAR program will reply to you asking you to confirm you are a real person.

That’s nice to know, and I’ll be happy to give this person the honor of receiving mail that I decide to send to random people.  This is an obvious pitch for Spambar, which needs to re-think their approach.  You’d think they’d at least include the person’s real name in the mail message.  Not that I’m going to sign up for Spambar any time soon.  Their broken approach to filtering is the same as MailCircuit, and a few others that have popped up recently.