Charlie finds a home

Charlie the somewhat suspect pit bull sure knows how to pick a sucker.  After several visits to the vet, and almost two weeks of looking to find him a home, we decided to keep him.  I spent most of Saturday and Sunday repairing fences so we can keep him outside while we’re gone.  Staying inside, he was very quickly destroying things.  A 55 lb puppy can do an amazing amount of damage to wood cabinets and doors in quite short order.  A side benefit of keeping him outside is that he loves chasing the deer away.  And now that I’ve patched the holes in the fence, the chances of him catching a fawn are minimal.

Since we don’t know exactly how old he is, we can’t quite celebrate a birthday.  So July 14, in addition to being Bastille Day in France, is now in our household Found Dog Day.

The scabs and bald patches, by the way, are the result of the demodectic mange, for which he is being treated.  This picture was taken about a week ago, and he looks better there than he did when we found him.  Today the scabs are almost all gone, and the hair is growing back in the bald spots.  Next thing on the list:  obedience classes.