Weekend movies

It was a slow weekend for us.  It rained most of yesterday, which prevented us from doing the outside work I had planned.  I got some of yesterday’s chores done today, and also spent some time working on a new book idea.  We’ll see how that works out.

Debra and I also rented a handful of movies.

  • Riding in Cars with Boys.  Not as bad as the reviews said, but not as good as some people would have you think.  Drew Barrymore actually did a reasonably good job.
  •  A.I.  Wow.  I don’t know what to say about this movie beyond “very depressing.”
  • Hearts in Atlantis.  I had no desire to see this one, having read the book, but I was wrong.  It was well done, and Anthony Hopkins gave a good performance.  The screenwriter (William Goldman) did an excellent job adapting Stephen King’s story.  It’s worth seeing if you enjoyed the book.