Rather than cook a big feast just for the two of us (our families are spread out across the country, as are most of our friends) this year, Debra and I decided to have Thanksgiving brunch at the Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin. It was quite the spread: shrimp cocktail, Alaskan King Crab, a huge dessert table, a breakfast buffet complete with omelet and waffle bar, and of course turkey, ham, and all the trimmings. Playing the non-traditionalist this year, I sampled everything but the turkey and such. Nothing like a couple of Western omelets and some waffles for Thanksgiving dinner. The only drawback was that I had to drive home before I could plop down on the couch with a book.
I had occasion to reflect on my life: a beautiful and loving wife, family and good friends, and a comfortable lifestyle. I’ve tried to put down into words how incredibly fortunate I feel to have these things. Eloquence, though, never was my strong suit, so I’ve settled for simplicity.
If you’re giving thanks today, or any time this Season, be sure to remember the men and women in our Armed Services, who are taking care of some business for us overseas.