Stupid public service announcements

I’m not quite sure why I pay attention to the recommendation that I arrive at the airport at least two hours prior to my flight.  I had a 6:00 flight to Memphis this morning and decided to take a chance:  I got to the airport at 4:30.  At 4:45 I was through security and waiting in line for the deli to open.  Security is tighter, but not that tight.

One benefit of driving to the airport at that hour is that you get to hear public service announcements.  Radio stations have a quota to meet, I guess, but the regulation apparently doesn’t say at what time of day the announcements have to air.  So they string them together when only those of us dumb enough to be awake are listening.  My favorite this morning was a game show parody wherein pot heads try to answer simple questions.  The line is something like, “Okay Jenny.  For one thousand dollars, tell us, what is your first name?”  Of course she gets it wrong.  Cheech and Chong did that skit thirty years ago.

Let’s Make a Dope Deal

The Cheech and Chong skit was stupid, sure, but funny back when I was 12. The public service announcement isn’t even as funny as that. It’s just stupid.

Book Review: Abandon Ship!

Today I finished the book Abandon Ship!, by Richard F. Newcomb.  Originally written in 1958, the book tells about the loss of the U.S.S. Indianapolis in the last days of World War II.  The book was re-released this year with some new material and an Introduction and Afterward by Peter Maas (author of Serpico, among other titles).  The book doesn’t dwell too much on events in the water (apparently our society’s blood lust hadn’t yet matured in 1958) except to mention almost in passing the sharks, hunger, thirst, sun, and resulting insanity that claimed so many lives over the next four days.  The book does cover in detail the events leading up to the ship’s being torpedoed by a Japanese submarine, and the resulting court martial of the ship’s Captain.  Even in 1946 most people considered the Captain’s court martial a miscarriage of justice.  In the light of previously secret documents that have been released since 1958, it’s plainly obvious that the Captain was hardly more than a scapegoat.

Of the approximately 1,200 men on the Indianapolis, it’s estimated that between 800 and 900 survived the initial attack and the ship’s sinking.  Of those, only about 300 survived four days in the water.  It’s a chilling story.  Can you imagine spending four days in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no water, no food, no shelter, and a life jacket that has a 48-hour rating?  That any of the men not on rafts survived is a wonder.

The unofficial CP/M web site

Lineo, spun off from Caldera, spun off from Novell (did I miss a step there?), who purchased Digital Research (or at least a lot of Digital Research’s assets) has made everything CP/M-related available for free.  The unofficial site is at  The site contains lots of very cool stuff:  full binaries for a large number of CP/M distributions and Digital Research programs (Pascal MT+, for example), source code for many CP/M versions, and some very difficult to find documentation.  This is, according to the site’s maintainers, everything that Lineo has related to CP/M.  Apparently much of it has been lost over the years as ownership of the properties moved from company to company.  That’s unfortunate, as I would sure like to see the source for the Pascal MT+ compiler.  About the only Digital Research product missing from the site is DR-DOS.  Lineo has held that one back.  Apparently it’s still a saleable product.

I doubt that CP/M is much in demand these days, although you never know with embedded systems.  If nothing else, the released source code has historical interest.  It’d also be interesting to study some of the techniques they used to save space and reduce processor usage.  Remember, CP/M had to operate on 8080-based computers running at 1 MHz with less than 64K of RAM.  It’s amazing how far we’ve come in 20 years.

Home Depot shopping spree

Home Depot is running a promotion this week:  for purchases of $300 or more, use your Home Depot charge account and make no payments and pay no interest until January 2003.  Now I’m not one to go buy stuff just because I get a good price or financing terms, but if I need something and I can take advantage of the terms, I’m there.  We’re finishing up the back room conversion (yeah, I know, I’ve said that before) and have been putting off buying all the finish stuff:  cabinets, tile, trim, doors, bathroom fixtures, etc.  We’ve been saying “real soon now” for a couple of months.  Heck, we were going to spend the money anyway.

It’s one thing to spend a couple hundred bucks here and there when you’re working on a project.  But to see it all in one big chunk?  Yikes!  That back room is costing a lot more than I thought it was.  Lot cheaper than having it done, though, even if it’s taking an absurdly long time to finish.

Thanksgiving at the Driskill Hotel

Rather than cook a big feast just for the two of us (our families are spread out across the country, as are most of our friends) this year, Debra and I decided to have Thanksgiving brunch at the Driskill Hotel in downtown Austin.  It was quite the spread:  shrimp cocktail, Alaskan King Crab, a huge dessert table, a breakfast buffet complete with omelet and waffle bar, and of course turkey, ham, and all the trimmings.  Playing the non-traditionalist this year, I sampled everything but the turkey and such.  Nothing like a couple of Western omelets and some waffles for Thanksgiving dinner.  The only drawback was that I had to drive home before I could plop down on the couch with a book.

I had occasion to reflect on my life:  a beautiful and loving wife, family and good friends, and a comfortable lifestyle.  I’ve tried to put down into words how incredibly fortunate I feel to have these things.  Eloquence, though, never was my strong suit, so I’ve settled for simplicity.

If you’re giving thanks today, or any time this Season, be sure to remember the men and women in our Armed Services, who are taking care of some business for us overseas.  

A gram of water is “a drop”?

Grrrr…journalists.  In a segment on NPR today talking about how many calories are in your average Thanksgiving meal, the reporter defined a calorie as “the amount of energy required to heat one gram of water (about a droplet) one degree Celsius.”  Huh?  A droplet?  That’s some heavy water.  A gram of water is more like a thimble full.  You don’t see thimbles very often these days.  What is the modern equivalent of yesteryear’s “a thimble full”? 

More Palm programming

As a first experiment in Palm programming, I’m porting my friend Jeff Duntemann’s Mortgage Vision program.  Jeff originally wrote the program in Borland Pascal (or was it still Turbo Pascal back then?) to explore the Turbo Vision application framework.  He and I (mostly he) later converted parts of it to Delphi for inclusion in our Delphi Programming Explorer, and then I converted the code to C++ for the C++Builder Programming Explorer.  It’s another one of those learning programs that’s relatively simple but makes use of many programming language features.  It’s a good learning tool.

So I immediately run into one of the Palm’s minor weaknesses–floating point.  The computer can do floating point math okay through emulation, but there isn’t really a math library.  The floating point library supplies addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.  And a routine that’ll convert a text string, “123.45” for example, into a floating point number.  There aren’t any math functions, though, and the only output function displays the number in scientific notation.  Ugh.

Fortunately, the only math function that the mortgage program requires is pow()–raise a number to an integer power.  That was easy enough to duplicate.  Outputting a floating point number is going to require a little more work.  I guess I could include the standard C sprintf() function, but that seems like overkill.  I’ll probably dig into their Calculator source example and see if I can come up with a decent number formatting routine.

Don’t you love embedded systems programming? 

Fitaly Stamp

I had planned today to write about watching the Leonid meteor shower.  But when I went outside at 3:00 this morning it was completely overcast.  Bummer.  It was cloudy all week during the Mars approach last June, too, and I had my telescope all ready to check that one out.

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned a utility for the Palm computer called FItalyStamp–a keyboard overlay that covers the Graffiti area on the Palm with a custom keyboard layout that was designed to minimize pen travel.  I downloaded and installed the software, and glued a laser printer copy of the keyboard layout onto the data input area of my Kyocera phone.  After just a couple of days working with it, I was hooked.  This is much better than trying to write in Graffiti.

The registered product, which you can order online with your credit card, cost $35.00 plus $6.00 for Express Mail shipping.  The package arrived two or three days later with the diskette, a small printed manual, and four nicely-printed keyboard overlays.  My phone is slightly smaller than the Palm m100, so I had Debra do some creative trimming of the keyboard overlay, but other than that I’ve not had a single problem with the setup.  I haven’t reached the 50 words per minute data input rate that their marketing hypes, but I’ve achieved a sustained 20 wpm with some forays up toward 30 wpm.  It’s the next best thing to having a real keyboard hooked to the Palm.  Tapping on keys beats scribbling goofy letters hands down.  Try writing Graffiti on an airplane in moderate turbulence.  Tapping keys, I was able to make notes with a minimum of errors.  I can “type” with the fitaly keyboard almost as fast as I can write on paper.

Highly recommended if you’re doing any data input on your Palm.

Oxford English Dictionary and Open Source Software

I finally finished reading The Professor and the Madman, by Simon Winchester.  The book’s cover describes it as “A tale of murder, insanity, and the making of the Oxford English Dictionary.”  It’s an interesting story about how an obviously insane American Army officer ended up being perhaps the greatest single contributor to the OED.

Reading the book, I was struck by how much the making of the OED reminds me of open source software projects–both the good and the bad.  First, the good.  The project would never have been completed without the thousands of volunteers who read books, identified words that should be included in the dictionary, and supplied quotations to illustrate how the words were used.  This information was sent to the editors, who verified the information, wrote the words’ definitions, and prepared the pages for typesetting.  The procedure reminded me much of open source projects that have dozens of  contributors (possibly more) who submit code that is integrated into the final product by the project’s “owners.”

Like many open source projects, the OED effort had some serious project management issues.  Originally conceived in the 1850s, the project went almost nowhere for the first 20 years.  People volunteered to help, but then decided it was too much work or would take too much time.  The original editor simply did not have the skills required to motivate and coordinate the work.  The new editor, James Murray (the “Professor” in the book), was able to get the project on track, but was woefully unable to estimate the time required to complete it.  In the end, although the final work was the product of thousands of paid and unpaid individuals, the bulk of the work was done by a select few–just like most open source projects.

No, the analogy isn’t perfect.  Whereas the contributors to an open source project have free and open access to the final product, the OED’s contributors were not entitled to a free copy of the completed dictionary.  Their motivation was very similar, though:  they saw a need for something they thought was important, and volunteered their time and effort to see it completed.

Airport security

I visited 6 airports this week:  Austin, Dallas Love, Lubbock, DFW, Chicago O’Hare, and Columbus.  This was my second week of flying since the September 11 attacks, the first being in early October when Debra and I went to Chicago.  In October, security was noticeably tighter than before September 11, but now it’s even better.  On every flight now, they pick random passengers for additional screening.  I got picked at Love Field on Monday.  It’s not a strip search or anything–just a detailed inspection of the carry on bag and a going-over with the metal detector wand.  The search is conducted out in the open (none of this “behind closed doors” crap you hear horror stories about), and the screeners are courteous.  They also have started checking photo IDs against boarding documents–not only at the security checkpoint, but also at the gate just before you board the flight.  The check at the gate is new since early October–they didn’t do that when I went to Chicago.

The security is not without its flaws, though.  As I was boarding one flight, one person was taking tickets while another was going through the line checking IDs and writing “OK” on the boarding pass.  It would have been a simple matter for me to write OK on my boarding pass and slip into line ahead of the ID checker.  In another instance the ticket taker asked if somebody had already checked my ID.  In Columbus, an employee skipped to the head of the line at the security checkpoint, walked through the metal detector (which buzzed), and waved at her co-worker who had detained a passenger.  This particular employee then submitted herself for “wanding”, but I wonder if she could have continued on unmolested if she had wanted to.  One shudders to think. 

I realize that the random additional screening and ID checks are deterrents, not preventive measures, but if I can pick out flaws just from casual observation, I wonder what somebody who really studies the matter can come up with.