The local Boy Scout Troop puts on a pancake breakfast every 4th of July down at the Sam Bass Fire Station. It’s quite a deal, actually: for $3.50 ($3.00 in advance) you get all the pancakes, sausage, milk, coffee, and orange juice that you can eat. Debra and I try to make it every year.
Advance tickets are sold by Scouts who travel door to door. This afternoon I was being a slug–reading on the couch–when the doorbell rang. I opened the door to find our neighborhood Scout hawking tickets for the breakfast. So I invited him in while I went to find my wallet. He didn’t budge so I invited him in again. He started to stammer and get embarrassed and I finally figured out the problem (I’m dense at times). What kind of idiot 12-year-old kid is going to step foot into a stranger’s house these days? I apologized, got my wallet, and bought a ticket.
The kid was only being smart, which is a very sad commentary on our society.