What with the weather today (cold, drizzle, windy) and my not having exercised much recently (Saturday evening’s ride with Jason was my first ride in a month), the ride home from work that usually takes about 90 minutes took almost two hours. Even with my cold weather gear, I was cold by the time I got home. The first hour or so was actually kind of fun, being back on the bike and all, but after that it was just work. And cold. But I did get some amusement. There’s nothing quite like riding along the shoulder at 20 MPH in a 60 MPH zone, passing cars that are standing still. On a good day during a bad rush hour, I can get from work to home (26 miles) as fast as a car.
Note to self: if you want to take a break, cut down on the biking but don’t quit altogether. A month off the bike makes for a sore butt and tired legs.